The Legal Blog

How To Overcome Stress Among Lawyers.

Many studies have revealed that stress among lawyers has been on a steady rise over the years. Stress among lawyers has been identified as one of the major causes of anxiety, depression, and burnout. The word stress has become commonly used by almost everybody that we seem to be missing the impact it is having...

Lawyers Professional Fees: How To Bill Your Clients Per Hour.

In legal practice, professional fees refer to all claims for fees, for services rendered and reimbursement for expenses incurred by lawyers. Professional fees are usually charged by some professionals like doctors, accountants and lawyers for their services. There is a pearl of long time wisdom expressed in the saying, “Time is Money”. The value of...

Oppression Of Women Lawyers: Gender Bias In The Courts.

Oppression of women comes in many forms and can happen in many places. But the courtroom is not one of the places you would expect to find gender discrimination. At the beginning of every court proceeding, litigation lawyers are expected to introduce themselves to the judges. It is standard practice. One of those customs lawyers...

Do Lawyers Make Difficult Husbands And Bad Partners?

According to some people, lawyers have some personality traits that turn them into difficult husbands and bad partners. Difficult husbands are nightmares to their wives and have little time for their children and other family members. Although male lawyers are more likely to get married than male lawyers are more likely to get married than...

6 Financial Mistakes That Lawyers Make In Their Practice.

There are some financial mistakes that lawyers make that hurt their legal practice and prevent them from achieving their dreams in life. The financial mistakes that lawyers make in their practice can be avoided by acquiring financial literacy. According to some experts, many lawyers struggle when it comes to managing their own money and finances....