
Call for Papers Archives - Law Truly


The ENBAR LAW JOURNAL (A Publication of the Nigerian Bar Association, Enugu Branch) is inviting submissions on scholarly and well-researched papers in any field of Law for publication in the Third Issue, Volume 1 of the ENBAR Law Journal. Manuscripts could include: Articles, Case comments/reviews, and Book reviews. Manuscripts should not normally exceed 8000 words....

Forced Migration Review: Call For Papers.

The Forced Migration Review Call for Papers, is inviting submissions for their issue 66 to be published in February 2021. Theme: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support. Organizers are looking for practice oriented submissions reflecting a wide range of experience and opinions. Eligibility. Those eligible to apply include affected communities, lawyers, advocates, policy makers, and researchers....

Oil, Gas and Energy Law Intelligence (OGEL) Call For Papers.

The Oil, Gas, and Energy Law Intelligence (OGEL) Call for Papers, is inviting submissions for a special issue focusing on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). One of the ways to be a successful lawyer is to apply for submissions like these and have your articles published by reputable journals. Theme: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)...

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of International Journal of Discrimination and the Law COVID-19: Lessons for and from Vulnerability Theory The Journal of Discrimination and the Law is seeking submissions for a special issue of their journal. Theme. Covid-19: Lessons for and from Vulnerability Theory. The organizers are inviting presentation proposals from interested...

Call for Papers.

Call for Papers 1. The Children’s Legal Rights Journal is seeking submissions on racial disparity in child welfare. The Children’s Legal Rights Journal (CLRJ), which is sponsored by the Loyola University, Chicago School of Law, with the National Association of Counsel for Children is hosting its annual symposium on March 19, 2021. Theme. Racial Disproportionality,...

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