Forced Migration Review: Call For Papers.

August 7, 20200

The Forced Migration Review Call for Papers, is inviting submissions for their issue 66 to be published in February 2021.


Mental Health and Psychosocial Support.

Organizers are looking for practice oriented submissions reflecting a wide range of experience and opinions.


Those eligible to apply include affected communities, lawyers, advocates, policy makers, and researchers.


Those interested in contributing should first contact the editors with their proposed topic and a few sentences about the topic. If interested, the editors will let you know.

You can contact the editors at

Submissions should address a wide range of questions such as:

  • What is known about the prevalence and nature of the MHPSS needs of those who have been displaced, and of responses to them? What are the particular challenges to conducting research in some areas and key gaps in knowledge?
  • How can the effectiveness of support be appropriately assessed in displacement contexts?
  • Have certain kinds of approaches proved more effective than others in providing appropriate support in situations where there are insufficient resources – infrastructure, personnel or financial – to meet large-scale and/or long-term MHPSS needs?
  • What barriers are there to integrating basic mental health care into primary health-care settings in emergency contexts where MHPSS provision is otherwise limited or does not exist, and what good practice exists in addressing these barriers?
  • Are there specific challenges to providing MHPSS for displaced people who are still on the move? What examples exist of good practice in cooperation across regional or country borders?
  • How can the experience and expertise built up by local communities of practice in the area of mental health inform programming that is executed at a much larger scale?
  • How do the MHPSS needs of displaced people differ across different settings – in systems of asylum, in resettlement, in integration and in return? What steps can be taken to promote resilience and to enable those who have been displaced to maintain psychosocial well-being, including on their return after displacement?
  • How effective are community-based means of psychosocial support such as those provided by faith communities? Have community-based models proven more successful in certain contexts, or in meeting specific certain needs over others?
  • What is the role of cultural mediators in assisting displaced people to access care? Can such mediators be effective in tackling stigma around mental ill-health, including among hard-to-reach groups?
  • Given that cultural bias (among practitioners, policymakers, researchers and hosts) may create barriers to the effective, appropriate, non-discriminatory identification of need for and provision of MHPSS services, how can this be recognised and mitigated for?
  • What part do new communication technologies have to play in the identification of needs and delivery of care? What are the settings in which such technologies have proven effective and what forms do these take?
  • How are existing guidelines and tools such as the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings and the WHO/UNHCR Assessing Mental Health and Psychosocial Needs and Resources toolkit for humanitarian settings applied across various contexts and how do they shape provision?
  • What requirements do those designing policy and programming need to take into account in relation to MHPSS service provision for displaced people and for host communities, and what are the challenges emerging from creating parallel structures? 
  • What design and delivery choices must be considered so that MHPSS programming takes into consideration the specific needs of certain groups including children and youth, older people, those living with disabilities and LGBTIQ+ individuals?
  • Are there examples of effective provision from humanitarian agencies in supporting the psychosocial well-being and MHPSS needs of staff working in situations of displacement and with survivors of displacement?
  • In what ways has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the provision of MHPSS to displaced people, and how have those providing MHPSS been able to adapt to the challenges presented? What has proven critical to the continuance of the effective delivery of services?


Articles for submissions must have a minimum of 2500 words (excluding the endnotes, footnotes, tables, schedules, etc).

  • Articles should have summaries of between 150-200 pages.
  • The articles should also conform with the organizers guidelines at

Submission Deadline:

All entries must be submitted on or 19th October, 2020.

Good Luck.

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