May 25, 20210

The ENBAR LAW JOURNAL (A Publication of the Nigerian Bar Association, Enugu Branch) is inviting submissions on scholarly and well-researched papers in any field of Law for publication in the Third Issue, Volume 1 of the ENBAR Law Journal.

Manuscripts could include:

  • Articles,
  • Case comments/reviews, and
  • Book reviews.

Manuscripts should not normally exceed 8000 words. However, longer papers may also be considered in certain cases, but in no case should a manuscript exceed 25 pages on A4 papers. Well-researched articles from Law students will be considered, as a way of encouraging the younger ones.


  1. Manuscripts submitted for consideration must not be under consideration or peer review or accepted for publication or published elsewhere and, if accepted, it should not then be published elsewhere in the same form of its publication in the ENBAR LAW JOURNAL. If previously published figures, tables, or parts of text are to be included, the copyright-holder’s permission must have been obtained prior to publication. Authors should send a single file containing the complete manuscript (i.e. abstract, text, figures and tables), as this makes the reviewing process easier for editors and referees.
  2. The title page, information about the author, institutional affiliation and email should be on a cover page as a separate document. The authors’ names should appear centred under the title.
  3. Manuscripts must be clearly written in UK English and should be submitted in an electronic format in Microsoft Word.
  4. In addition to the full title of the manuscripts, authors should supply a short title for the header of less than 40 characters.
  5. Manuscripts should also be accompanied by an abstract, which summarizes the Manuscript in not more than 250 words. The abstract should clearly summarize the manuscripts and state the manuscript’s main argument and relevance to contemporary legal issues.
  6. Manuscripts should be well referenced in footnotes (not endnotes) and must accord with OSCOLA Referencing Guide (4th Edition) https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/sites/files/oxlaw/oscola_4th_edn_hart_2012.pdf
  7. The submitted Articles are subject to peer review, however, the authors are expected to thoroughly proof read the manuscripts before submitting.
  8. The deadline for submission is June 30, 2021.
  9. The electronic copies should be sent by email to the Editorial Board: c/o obikacyril@gmail.com. N/B: Please note that submission of the paper should be accompanied with a consent and transfer of all copyright of the author to the ENBAR Law Journal.
  10. All correspondences should be directed to the address stated below:

The Secretary,

ENBAR Law Journal,

Nigerian Bar Association,

Enugu Branch Enugu, Nigeria,


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