
Criminal Law Archives - Page 2 of 3 - Law Truly

4 Steps You Should Take In Your Criminal Defense Case

If you’re facing a criminal defense case, you’re probably wondering how to proceed. Maybe you’re already in the process of talking with your lawyer.  The truth is, there are some things you’ll want to do if involved in a criminal defense case. When you are arrested in the United States, one of the most important...

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Causes & Prevention

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a global challenge today. No sector today remains untouched by this menace. Over the last few years, many victims have bravely come forward and reported workplace sexual harassment. As a result, many popular people, who have held positions of authority, have been convicted of sexual harassment charges. While employers,...

How A Past Criminal Conviction Hurts Your Everyday Life.

By Jordan McDowell. When most people think of being convicted of a crime, they usually imagine the repercussions of jail or prison time. Some might even think of the court fees, restitution, and probation that typically come with being a convicted criminal. Still, there are even more consequences that can affect your everyday life. Learn...

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