
Nonyerem Ibiam, Author at Law Truly - Page 8 of 14


The ENBAR LAW JOURNAL (A Publication of the Nigerian Bar Association, Enugu Branch) is inviting submissions on scholarly and well-researched papers in any field of Law for publication in the Third Issue, Volume 1 of the ENBAR Law Journal. Manuscripts could include: Articles, Case comments/reviews, and Book reviews. Manuscripts should not normally exceed 8000 words....

How A Past Criminal Conviction Hurts Your Everyday Life.

By Jordan McDowell. When most people think of being convicted of a crime, they usually imagine the repercussions of jail or prison time. Some might even think of the court fees, restitution, and probation that typically come with being a convicted criminal. Still, there are even more consequences that can affect your everyday life. Learn...

Choosing an eDiscovery Partner: Do’s and Don’ts.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin By Susan Ethridge. For anyone involved in the legal industry, it’s no secret that selecting the right eDiscovery services provider can pose some major challenges – especially if you’re new to the effort.  Here are some basic guidelines to help you wrap your arms around key decision points. The Do’s...

7 Bizarre Christmas Laws Around The World.

Christmas celebrations have led to the enactment of bizarre Christmas laws in some places to regulate activities during the period. Below are some bizarre Christmas laws around the world. Allowing Christmas Decorations past a certain date. It is common to sometimes find some Christmas decorations still adorning buildings like law firms and offices, shopping malls,...

9 Ways To Make A Judge Rule In Your Favor.

Learning how to make a judge rule in your favor is an art that every lawyer must learn to succeed in the legal profession. If you want to make a judge rule in your favor, it requires effective advocacy that will move a judge to agree with your legal submissions. A lawyer can use the...