Albert-S-Pergam International Writing Competition (Prize: $2,000)

July 7, 20230

The Albert-S-Pergam International Writing Competition is now open.

The International Section of the New York State Bar Association is pleased to announce the annual Albert-S-Pergam International Writing Competition. 

The Albert-S-Pergam International Writing Competition, which began in 1988, fosters legal scholarship among law students in the field of international law. 

Eligibility for the Albert S. Pergam International Law Writing Competition

Law Students (including J.D., LL.M., Ph.D. and S.J.D. candidates) are cordially invited to submit to the International Section an article concerning any area of public or private international law or practice. 

Read: 9 Ways To Make A Judge Rule In Your Favor.


Faculty members of any college or university are ineligible to participate. 


All submissions will be reviewed by a committee of attorneys practicing international law, and a winner will be chosen based on a variety of factors, including significance and timeliness of the subject matter, thoroughness of research and analysis, clarity of writing style, as well as the importance and originality of the topic to the understanding of private/public international law or comparative law. 


The winner will receive: 

1) $2,000 USD; and 

2) Publication of the article (subject to editorial approval) in the New York International Law Review. 

The rules are set forth on the following page. Good luck. 


Submissions must:

  • Be from current law students (J.D., LL.M., Ph.D. and S.J.D. candidates) at the time of submission whether or not already admitted to a bar; or a professor may nominate their student’s papers for the competition
  • Not previously published (see rule no. 5 for more details);
  • A piece of legal scholarship (i.e., a law review style article), primarily focused on an aspect of law in any area of public or private international law or practice; and
  • Along with their submission, students must provide proof of enrollment in law school as a J.D., LL.M., Ph.D. and S.J.D. candidate. 

All articles are to be submitted (in English) in the following format: 

  • Sent by email to in Word Format (remove any password protection); 
  • Double-spaced; 
  • In 8-1/2 inch by 11 inch format, 1 inch margins;
  • Citations are to conform to “A Uniform System of Citation” (The Bluebook); and 
  • 40 page limit for the article including cover page and footnotes 

All articles must be e-mailed no later than 4:00 p.m. EST on Friday, November 4, 2023. 

Articles sent after that date will not be considered. 

Please send all submissions to: 

Carra Forgea 

International Section 

New York State Bar Association 

One Elk Street Albany, 

New York 12207 

Include only your name on the cover page of your article. 

Publication Rights

The winning/selected article(s) becomes the property of the International Section and the New York State Bar Association. 

The winning article must not be previously published or under contract with any publication other than the New York State Bar Journal, the New York International Law Review, or the International Law Practicum. 

If the student accepts publication with another journal before the results of the Pergam competition are announced, the student must write to Carra Forgea ( immediately and withdraw their piece from consideration. 

If the student accepts publication elsewhere and does not notify NYSBA that the piece will be published elsewhere and that student is selected as a winner, NYSBA reserves the right to withdraw the prize from that student and select a new winner. 

Please provide your name, permanent address, and daytime phone number on your cover email or letter only. Do not include your personal information on the cover sheet of your submission or in the footnotes. 

Good Luck.

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