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10 Tips For Choosing A Law School In The U.S.

Choosing the best law school is a major decision. There are lots of things to consider when choosing a law school in the U.S. Some factors to think about include career goals, location, and much more. With so many options for your consideration, choosing a law school in the U.S. can sometimes be overwhelming. The...

7 Reasons Why Divorce Is Harder On Men Than Women

For years, a common belief has been that women tend to be more emotional than men. However, several studies have shown that divorce is harder on men and a broken home tends to affect men more than women!   While there are many reasons divorce is harder on men, one line of thought is that...

How A Past Criminal Conviction Hurts Your Everyday Life.

By Jordan McDowell. When most people think of being convicted of a crime, they usually imagine the repercussions of jail or prison time. Some might even think of the court fees, restitution, and probation that typically come with being a convicted criminal. Still, there are even more consequences that can affect your everyday life. Learn...