AI Lawyer: 5 Kinds Of Lawyers That Will Soon Lose Their Jobs.

September 1, 20204

Believe it or not, the AI lawyer is here. And if you are a lawyer, you need to worry because your job may be on the line.

An AI lawyer is a robot that can carry out some lawyer duties. These robot lawyers can perform tasks like conducting research and analyzing legal problems. And they can do all these in less time and with the highest level of accuracy.

Many lawyers, are now incorporating AI or artificial intelligence in  setting up their law offices and law firms.

While the legal practitioners, who have embraced AI, believe it has revolutionized their practice, others are skeptical.

One major concern of conservative legal practitioners is that artificial intelligence will replace some fine traditions of law.

Although law practice is a conservative area, artificial intelligence is here to stay. Lawyers have a choice – either to swim or sink with the tide.

So how will the AI lawyer affect law practice? Research has shown that robot lawyers are beginning to take lawyers’ jobs.

In this article, we will list the kinds of lawyers that will become redundant and lose their jobs to robot lawyers.

Organizational Lawyers.

Lawyers in most organizations help draft and review the legal regimes that regulate the activities of these associations.

For centuries, lawyers have played a central role as protectors of the rule of law and rights of individual members.

With the emergence of Artificial Intelligence, many groups have robots that guide them in running their organizations.

Some organizations also have tools that review their programs and policies for conformity with international laws.

Some lawyer robots can play the roles normally reserved for lawyers like interviewing clients and drafting contracts.

Many organizations that use robot lawyers to draft and review contracts are seeing an increase in their output and productivity.

In contract analysis, an AI lawyer can easily identify, extract data, and clarify the contents of a contract much easier and faster than human lawyers can .

Legal Consultants.

The benefits of having a legal consultant or a legal practitioner involved in your transactions are a plethora.

Many people who ignore to seek the advice of experts like lawyers in their transactions usually pay a high cost for mistakes.

The area of legal consultancy has therefore long been the exclusive preserve of lawyers, but not anymore.

Programmers have now developed robots programmed to help people find the right answers for their legal questions and problems.

These robots play the roles of legal consultants by helping people decide on whether they need a lawyer or not.

The robot legal consultants are now making legal services cost-effective by making it easier for people to access legal advice before meeting the human lawyer.

An AI lawyer has advanced computing powers to search a huge amount of data and come up with information in seconds.

Corporate Lawyers.

Most corporate organizations have lawyers whom they retain to keep them informed of their rights and obligations. 

Corporate lawyers also make sure that their clients or employers comply with corporate regulations and laws.

Corporate lawyers are usually experts in the specific laws of the companies that they work for.

Robot lawyers have also started to perform some of the jobs that corporate lawyers do for their client companies.

For example, some companies have robot lawyers that now interpret the contents of some of their agreements.

Also, some robots perform corporate legal functions like research, issuing legal opinions, and notifying the companies on basic compliance.

One function of corporate lawyers is to help their clients safely enter into legally binding contracts.

Programmers have, however, developed an AI lawyer that can allow a company to create a legally binding agreement with another company or party.

It has been noted that one great advantage of this technology is that the robot lawyer, unlike the human lawyer, can act for both parties.

One such AI lawyer is called LISA, which can draft documents and agreements which favor both sides.

With LISA, there is no need for a lawyer during the process of negotiation and drafting of the contract.

LISA works as a two-way robot lawyer. It allows the contracting parties to use its software to amend the agreement until all sides are satisfied.

Real Estate Lawyers.

Another area that has seen an invasion of robot lawyers is in the practice of real estate transactions.

Lawyers involved in real estate are specialists in laws relating to property transactions and deals.

In some jurisdictions, the law requires that the lawyers play a part in the real estate transaction. For example, in Nigeria, only a lawyer can prepare a document that transfers an interest in a landed property.

Where this is not applicable, an AI lawyer like LISA can help parties draft a binding contract.

Many people who use lawyers in the management of their real estate properties are either too busy or do not want to run afoul of the law.

Many applications and software in the market can help real estate owners track their interests and obligations.

Probate and Estate Planning Lawyers.

Probate lawyers or estate planning lawyers are those who are experts in the planning and management of the estate of a person in the event of mental incapacity, ill-health, and death.

Estate planning lawyers play various roles depending on the nature and size of the estate they are managing.

With artificial intelligence, it is now possible for people to manage some parts of their estate without lawyers.

An AI lawyer can gather information to be used to manage an estate in the event of death.

With this information, Wills and other probate documents can be generated automatically.

Resting My Case on AI Lawyer.

Although there are still a lot of things that robot lawyers cannot do, very few can bet against their huge potential to revolutionize the legal industry.

If you were told about a decade ago that in just ten years, some vehicles and aircraft will be driving and flying themselves, would you have believed?

The technologies behind an AI lawyer are still in their infancy stage and yet they’ve been able to accomplish so much.

The best thing for lawyers and legal practitioners to do to avoid being rendered useless and redundant is to develop skills necessary in using the robots.

Lawyers who neglect, fail, and or refuse to acquire the technological skills will soon find themselves out of demand and out of work.


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